Water Roll Jump

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A water roll jump is a roll jump that is performed in shallow water.


When landing in shallow water, there is a small frame window when Jak is on the ground but not yet in his high-knee walking animation (which is reserved for walking in shallow water). Usually, roll jumps cannot be performed in shallow water, but if the roll jump inputs are inputted before the high-knee walking animation begins, a roll jump will occur.


It is unknown who first performed a water roll jump since the technique can easily occur during casual play.

Movement Techniques
Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy Boosted UppercutCheckpoint BypassDirection Shift BoostedEco BoostExtended UppercutFall Damage Animation CancelFast SwimGround Cancel JumpIce MomentumInfinite BounceJump Pad One FrameJump Pad Hitbox ExtensionKuitar BounceLava WalkProxy JumpQuad JumpRocket UppercutScoutfly BoostedSuper BoostedWater HopsWater Roll JumpWet FeetZoom Walk
Jak II AbahbounceBoosted UppercutCheckpoint BypassExtended UppercutDark Jak ExtendedFast SwimJetboard (Extended Frontflip, Hover Glitch) • Proxy JumpRocket UppercutVehicle ClipVehicle FlingVehicle JumpVehicle SubstitutionWastelander MoveWater Roll Jump
Jak 3 AbahbounceBoosted UppercutCheckpoint BypassConcussor Spin JumpExtended UppercutDark Jak ExtendedFast SwimGlitch High JumpInfinite Flight GlitchJetboard (Extended Frontflip, Hover Glitch) • Peace Maker LaunchProxy JumpRocket UppercutSpeed ZoomerVehicle ClipVehicle JumpVehicle SubstitutionWastelander MoveWater Roll JumpWave Concussor Infinite Jumps
Jak X: Combat Racing placeholder text
Daxter Angled CameraAutosave DisabledCorner ClippingElevator BoostExtended JumpLate JumpPlatform BoostScooter ProxySingle JumpingSlant BoostSwing BoostTrampoline ProxyVent Clip
Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier Ground Pound Ledge GrabMatrix Uppercut