Palace Vase Orb

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In Daxter, precursor orbs can be found hidden in container objects (boxes, vases, etc). By attacking and destroying the container object, the object is destroyed and the precursor orb appears/spawns in and can be collected.

In the Baron's Palace, there is a vase that, when destroyed, will spawn in a precursor orb, but the precursor orb will spawn in another location near a different vase.



A comment on Noki Doki's Daxter - The Vase Orb video helps to explain what could be happening with this bug.

I think this is an authoring error that can happen when game engine components can be individually copied (orb spawn locations, the breakable vase trigger) but they're not all one thing, and repetitive rooms like this are often populated by copying things around so it's even possible that two breakable vase triggers share the same reference to an orb spawn location -- I'm surprised that this kind of error is not more frequent, but for when the orb spawns far from the container, it's possible that the container itself moved during development. Normally mundane stuff like this doesn't make it through QA so it's interesting in itself.

- EntranceJew


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