Boat Pause

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A boat pause refers to pausing at the same time Jak uses the fisherman's boat and unpausing after waiting 23 seconds. Doing so will derail the boat cutscene when traveling between Sandover Village and Misty Island and the boat will be adrift. The boat will eventually drift to the dock where it is supposed to be parked after a few seconds.




Glitches, Bugs, Exploits, and Secrets
Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy Audio Pause GlitchBoat PauseBridge BlastCheat ModeDark GlitchDebug ModeDeveloper PicturesDupe StateEaster EggsFlut Flut EscapeGame CrashGhost GlitchHard FishIdle DeloadLine GlitchMoon WalkOrb Duplication GlitchPause BufferPause Cutscene TriggerPunch GlitchStatue GlitchTexture CorruptionVoid OutWalking While TalkingZombie GlitchZoomer Escape
Jak II Cheat ModeDebug ModeDeveloper PicturesEaster EggsGame CrashGhost TownInvisibility GlitchInvulnerability GlitchLine GlitchOrb Duplication GlitchPause BufferPeacemaker StackingPunch GlitchStadium BugStatue GlitchZombie Glitch
Jak 3 Cheat ModeDebug ModeDeveloper PicturesEaster EggsGame CrashInvisibility GlitchInvulnerability GlitchLine GlitchOrb Duplication GlitchPeacemaker StackingPunch GlitchStatue GlitchZombie Glitch
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Daxter Dream OrbEaster EggsPalace Vase OrbTeleporter Menu Storage
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